Student Life

Spiritual Life

Jesuit Education - the Formation of the Whole Person in the Mind, Heart and Soul

From the founding of the first Jesuit school in Messina, Sicily in 1548, Jesuit education has stressed the formation of the whole person – the mind, the heart, and the soul. Spiritual life, therefore, is an integral component of Loyola School’s overall educational program.

Ignatian spirituality is a worldview rooted in the belief that God is present and active in the world, and can be encountered in all things and in all people. Loyola strives to provide opportunities for members of the School community to recognize, reflect on, and respond to God’s presence by developing their talents and acting in service and solidarity with the marginalized of the world. Complementing the academic program, which includes the formal study of Theology, is an experiential spiritual life program which includes liturgy, prayer, retreats, the Christian Service program, Ignatian Awareness programs, and other opportunities to put faith into action. 

St. Ignatius Loyola

Since the young people of today will become the adults of tomorrow, their good formation in life and learning will benefit many others, with the fruit expanding more widely every day.
980 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028